Monday, July 28, 2008

What is a Gamer?

Ok so honestly, I consider a gamer to be this pale, pimply, greasy, anti-social male or female, who uses games as a blanket to mask their own insecurities about being a teenager. Everyone struggles with adolescence and no one likes to feel awkward or out of place, but substituting games for real life human interaction, flaws and all, is in my opinion what is making the youth of America look like a joke. I mean honestly, other than like a tad bit of hand eye coordination, what can people learn from video games that they play for days and hours on end that will benefit them when they have to go to college, get a real job, get married, you know all that normal human behavior? From what I've seen in other people, gaming helps them interact virtually with other hermits like themselves. It also keeps them from getting REAL exercise, not Wii exercise, and keeps them out of the sun, so here they stay on a Saturday night. Not out to a movie with friends or on a date, but at home in their basement eating Cheetos and laughing at what their avatar just said to another avatar in second life. I mean really?! Come on this is the one chance we're teenagers and we are perfectly capable of doing almost all physical activity, we have the strength to lift weights, the good joints to run, and we aren't crippled by old age and a bad hip. Youth is wasted on the young if the young are going to stay inside and waste all their vitality and adolescence inside, playing a game in a virtual world, not a real world, this is virtual people. Honestly I'm not trying to bash all people that enjoy playing video games, I mean more power to you, that has never and will never be my thing...but honestly if these "gamers" would give themselves a chance to make mistakes with guys/girls, school, friends, awkward situations, whatever while they're young they will actually BE prepared for the real world, when we no longer live with our parents and actually have to stand on our own two feet. Please step out of your comfort zones and try new things, get outside, call your friends to go see the new batman movie, have a sleepover, be social, because the more social situations you put yourself in the easier it becomes, and before you know it video games have become just a random hobby in your very busy life.

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