Monday, July 21, 2008

Games Games Games

Well today I had my first real gaming was fun but a little hard. I always thought the playing games would be pretty easy but it isn't. Halo, a shoot-them-up game took a lot of stratagy and perserverence. I played two times and only won the second time because i stayed where i was and waited for my oponent to come find me and then I just kept shooting in her direction. I also played a Wii game and controlling it is soooo much more difficult then one would think. You have to make your motions almost perfect and percise and as we all know that can be pretty hard, especially if one is a spaz like me. All in all I had a fun time and spent most of my time on the Wii because I liked the ability to play a varity of games and the fact that i didn't have to hold and leard the bottons of a controller really helped. I can now say that i have played video games but I think that I have a ways to go to become a gamer.


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